

MySQL Database Multirow Tables and Multiline Text


MySQL is a widely used relational database management system that provides robust support for storing and managing various types of data. In practical applications, the need often arises to store multiline text and perform multirow operations on tables. This article will discuss in detail how to achieve these functionalities in MySQL, ensuring the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the content.

Multiline Text Storage

In MySQL, to store multiline text, you can use theTEXT type. TheTEXT type supports long strings that can include newline characters such as `


, allowing for the representation of multiple lines of text. For instance, when creating a table, you might define a column with theTEXT` type as follows:




content TEXT


When inserting data into this table, you can directly use the string containing newline characters:

INSERT INTO story (content)

VALUES (‘This is a line of text,

This is another line of text,

Yet another line of text’);


MySQL will store the multiline text as a single string, maintaining the newline characters. When you retrieve the data using aSELECT statement, MySQL returns the content with the original line breaks:

SELECT content FROM story WHERE id = 1;

The result will display the text with actual line breaks, thanks to theTEXT type’s ability to preserve formatting.

Inserting Multirow Data

For multirow data insertion, MySQL allows inserting multiple rows of data in a singleINSERT INTO statement by using multipleVALUES clauses. This method improves efficiency compared to inserting one row at a time. Here is an example:

INSERT INTO student (id, name, age)


(2, ‘Bob’, 21),

(3, ‘Charlie’, 22);

This command inserts two rows of data into the student table at once. The syntax is simple and efficient. Additionally, when retrieving multirow data, you can use theSELECT statement to query one or more rows of data from the table as needed.

Combining Rows into a Single Row

Sometimes, there’s a need to combine multiple rows of related data into a single row. This is commonly done using aggregate functions likeGROUP_CONCAT or by usingCASE statements. Here are two examples:

1、UsingGROUP_CONCAT to combine multiple rows of data into a single row, placing them in the same column:

SELECT name, GROUP_CONCAT(score SEPARATOR ‘;’) AS scores

FROM stu

GROUP BY name;

2、UsingCASE to place different row values in different columns:

SELECT name,

MAX(CASE WHEN type = ‘Math’ THEN score ELSE 0 END) AS Math,

MAX(CASE WHEN type = ‘English’ THEN score ELSE 0 END) AS English,

MAX(CASE WHEN type = ‘Chinese’ THEN score ELSE 0 END) AS Chinese

FROM stu

GROUP BY name;

These methods allow for more flexible presentation of data by converting multiple rows into a single, more readable row.

In summary, MySQL provides powerful support for handling multiline text storage, multirow insertion, and combining rows through its builtin functions and syntax. These features greatly enhance the flexibility and efficiency of database operations. By mastering these techniques, developers and database administrators can better manage complex data structures and meet various application requirements.


Q1: Why are newline characters not displayed correctly when inserting multiline text into MySQL?

A1: The issue may occur if special characters like `

are inserted directly without proper handling. To ensure correct display, replace

with the appropriate newline character sequence (e.g.,r

`) before insertion. Also, ensure that the process of reading data from the database correctly interprets these sequences.

Q2: How to efficiently insert a large number of rows into a MySQL table?

A2: To efficiently insert a large number of rows, consider using the multirowINSERT INTO syntax to insert data in batches. Additionally, reducing the number of indexes before bulk inserting and readding them afterward can improve performance. Finally, consider using theLOAD DATA INFILE statement for bulk data loading from a file, which is optimized for importing large datasets.


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