





This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.


echo "This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines." | tr ' ' '


This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.



This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.


awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)/2)}' example.txt
awk '{print substr($0,length($0)/2+1)}' example.txt


This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.



This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.


sed e 's/.{59}/&
/' example.txt | tr d '
' | sed e 's/ *$//' | tr '
' ' ' example.txt


This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.



This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.


cut c 159 example.txt | tr '
' ' ' | sed e 's/ *$//' example.txt


This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines.



This is a long line of text that we want to split into multiple lines. This is the second part of the line. This is the third part of the line. This is the fourth part of the line. This is the fifth part of the line. This is the sixth part of the line. This is the seventh part of the line. This is the eighth part of the line. This is the ninth part of the line. This is the tenth part of the line. This is the eleventh part of the line. This is the twelfth part of the line. This is the thirteenth part of the line. This is the fourteenth part of the line. This is the fifteenth part of the line. This is the sixteenth part of the line. This is the seventeenth part of the line. This is the eighteenth part of the line. This is the nineteenth part of the line. This is the twentieth part of the line. This is the twentyfirst part of the line. This is the twentysecond part of the line. This is the twentythird part of the line. This is the twentyfourth part of the line. This is the twentyfifth part of the line. This is the twentysixth part of the line. This is the twentyseventh part of the line. This is the twentyeighth part of theline. This is the twentyninth part of theline. This is thirtiethpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyfirstpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtysecondpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtythirdpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyfourthpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyfifthpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtysixthpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyseventhpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyeighthpartoftheline. Thisisthe thirtyninthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortiethpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyfirstpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortysecondpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortythirdpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyfourthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyfifthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortysixthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyseventhpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyeighthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fortyninthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftiethpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyfirstpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftysecondpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftythirdpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyfourthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyfifthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftysixthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyseventhpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyeighthpartoftheline. Thisisthe fiftyninthpartoftheline. Thisisthe sixtiethpartoftheline. Thisisthe sixtyfirstpartoftheline


上一篇 2024-05-05 15:48
下一篇 2024-05-05 15:52


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