


1、使用长整型(long int)

长整型是C语言中最基本的整数类型,它可以存储的范围是从2147483648到2147483647,如果你需要存储更大的数字,可以使用长长整型(long long int),它的范围是从9223372036854775808到9223372036854775807。


long int num;


long long int big_num;




int arr[10];


arr[0] = 1; // 将数字1存储在数组的第一个元素中
arr[1] = 2; // 将数字2存储在数组的第二个元素中




char str[10];


str[0] = '1'; // 将字符'1'存储在字符串的第一个元素中
str[1] = '2'; // 将字符'2'存储在字符串的第二个元素中



#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    char str[] = "123";
    int num = atoi(str); // 将字符串转换为整数并存储在num变量中
    printf("The number is: %d
", num); // 输出结果:The number is: 123
    return 0;




sudo aptget install libgmpdev


#include <gmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <fenv.h> // for __builtin_mul_overflow, __builtin_add_overflow, __builtin_sub_overflow, __builtin_mul_trunc, __builtin_add_trunc, __builtin_sub_trunc, __builtin_ceil, __builtin_floor, __builtin_fabs, __builtin_copysign, __builtin_clz, __builtin_ctz, __builtin_popcount, __builtin_parity, __builtin_ffs, __builtin_clzll, __builtin_ctzll, __builtin_popcountll, __builtin_parityll, __builtin_ffsl, __builtin_ffsll, __builtin_isgreater, __builtin_isgreaterequal, __builtin_isless, __builtin_islessequal, __builtin_islessgreater, __builtin_isunordered, __builtin_isunorderedequal, __builtin_abs, __builtin_labs, __builtin_llabs, __builtin_neg, __builtin_pos, __builtin_copysignl, __builtin_signbitl, __builtin_divdi3, __builtin_moddi3, __builtin_udivdi3, __builtin_umoddi3, __builtin_divsi3, __builtin_modsi3, __builtin_udivsi3, __builtin_umodsi3, __builtin_divti3, __builtin_modti3, __builtin_udivti3, __builtin_umodti3, __builtin__divdf3, __builtin__moddf3, __builtin__udivdf3, __builtin__umoddf3, __builtin__divtf3, __builtin__modtf3, __builtin__udivtf3, __builtin__umodtf3, __extension__ ({ struct gmp *x; x = (struct gmp *) (long) 1; })) // for GMP functions to work with negative numbers on some platforms like MinGWw64 and MSYS2/MSVCRT on Windows when using the default C runtime library or when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in the C standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in the C standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in theC standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in the C standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in the C standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of exception handling features not available in the C standard library or the target platform's C runtime library does not support exception handling features required by the GMP functions used in the code below even though they are declared as returning void and taking no arguments in the header files provided by the GMP development package on those platforms when building with fnoexceptions or fnortti options enabled in some cases where exception handling is disabled by default in the C runtime library on those platforms due to the use of



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