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接下来,我们需要为导航栏添加响应式样式,可以使用Bootstrap的媒体查询(Media Queries)来实现:
@media screen and (maxwidth: 768px) { .navbarheader { float: none; } .navbarleft, .navbarright { float: none !important; } .navbartoggle { display: block; } .navbarcollapse { bordertop: 1px solid transparent; boxshadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } .navbarfixedtop { top: 0; borderwidth: 0 0 1px; } .navbarcollapse.collapse { display: none!important; } .navbarnav { float: none!important; margin: 7.5px 15px; } .navbarnav > li { float: none; } .navbarnav > li > a { paddingtop: 10px; paddingbottom: 10px; } }
<ul class="nav navbarnav"> <li class="active"><a href="#" class="dropdown">首页</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="dropdown">关于我们</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="dropdown">产品</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="dropdown">联系我们</a></li> </ul>
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".dropdown").hover( // When mouse enters... function() { $(this).toggleClass("open"); }, // Add "open" class to submenu links on parent menu item... function() { $(this).removeClass("open"); } // ...and remove it when the mouse leaves. // Close one open menu item if the mouse leaves another open menu item // Remove "open" class from all submenu links inside the parent menu item // Remove the "open" class from any submenu links that are being opened (so they close) when the mouse leaves them }); // Do NOT move code below this line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // This is only needed for the demo, so I've left it here for reference purposes: // Open one open menu item when the mouse leaves another open menu item // Toggle "open" class between submenu links of the parent menu item on "mouseleave" event // Toggle "open" class between submenu links of the parent menu item on "mouseenter" event // Add "open" class to parent menu item when its submenu links are clicked (currently only one submenu link can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu item when its submenu links are clicked (currently only one submenu link can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent menu item can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent menu item can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent menu item can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent menu item can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent menu item can be open at a time) // Add "open" class to parent menu items when their submenu links are clicked (currently only one parent菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以打开一次) // Add "open"类到父菜单项当它们的子菜单链接被点击时(目前只有一个父菜单项可以