如何搭建Apache Linux服务器?

apache linux服务器搭建涉及安装apache软件、配置虚拟主机和设置防火墙规则等步骤。


如何搭建Apache Linux服务器?


Apache HTTP Server(简称Apache)是由Apache软件基金会开发和维护的一款开源Web服务器软件,它支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux和Unix等,Apache具有高效、稳定、安全等特点,并且可以通过模块进行功能扩展,如SSL/TLS加密、认证、负载均衡等。








1. 安装前准备

在开始安装之前,确保你的Linux系统已经安装了必要的软件包管理工具,如apt(适用于Debian及其衍生发行版)或yum(适用于Red Hat及其衍生发行版),还需要具备root权限或sudo权限。

2. 关闭防火墙


systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
setenforce 0

3. 安装Apache服务器



  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install apache2


  sudo yum install httpd

4. 启动Apache服务


sudo systemctl start apache2   # Ubuntu/Debian
sudo systemctl start httpd      # CentOS/RHEL
sudo systemctl enable apache2   # Ubuntu/Debian
sudo systemctl enable httpd     # CentOS/RHEL

5. 测试Apache安装

在浏览器中输入服务器的IP地址或域名,如果看到Apache默认的欢迎页面(通常显示“It works!”),则说明Apache安装成功,如果你的服务器IP地址是192.168.1.100,则在浏览器中输入http://。

如何搭建Apache Linux服务器?

6. 配置Apache服务器




  Listen 8080



  DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"



  sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/mywebsite.conf
  sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/mywebsite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/


  <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
      ServerName www.mywebsite.com
      DocumentRoot /var/www/mywebsite
      ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_error.log
      CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_access.log combined


1. SSL加密


sudo openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt


<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName www.mywebsite.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/mywebsite
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_access.log combined


sudo systemctl restart apache2   # Ubuntu/Debian
sudo systemctl restart httpd     # CentOS/RHEL

2. 性能优化



  EnableMPMWorkers on
  <IfModule mod_cache.c>
      CacheRoot "/var/cache/apache2"
      CacheEnable disk /
      CacheMaxExpire 86400
      CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
  <IfModule mod_filter.c>
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/json application/javascript text/css

调整工作模式:Apache支持多种工作模式(MPM),如prefork、worker和event,选择合适的工作模式可以提高并发处理能力,对于高并发环境,可以选择event MPM:

  <IfModule mpm_event_module>
      ServerLimit                     event, worker, httpd,itk to work with Event MP, use a thread limit of between 25 and 75 threads per process3 processes to keep some spare capacity.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsure applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This是the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g., 10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This是the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This是the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,10 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This是the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This is the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). This是the main http server instance which # StartServers:           20 default value for MaxRequestWorkers. Keep this low if you want to ensure all content by workers.) not threadsafe applications. Use higher settings for scalability (e.g.,0 processes and at least 75 threads per process). 这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可scaleability (10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75个线程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个进程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个进程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此值较低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例, StartServers:           20是MaxRequestWorkers的默认值,如果要确保所有内容都由工作进程处理,请保持此字串低。)不是线程安全的应用程序,使用更高的设置以提高可扩展性(10个过程和每个过程至少75线程每过程),这是主http服务器实例,其中注意在实际生产环境中,建议使用更高版本的TLS协议和更强的加密算法来替代自签名证书。

sudo apt update

sudo apt install apache2

如何搭建Apache Linux服务器?


sudo yum install httpd



sudo systemctl start apache2 # Ubuntu/Debian

sudo systemctl start httpd # CentOS/RHEL


sudo systemctl enable apache2 # Ubuntu/Debian

sudo systemctl enable httpd # CentOS/RHEL


sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/mywebsite.conf


<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

ServerName www.mywebsite.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/mywebsite

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mywebsite_access.log combined



sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/mywebsite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/


sudo systemctl restart apache2




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