



MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. It was introduced by Google in 2004 to solve problems involving largescale data processing. MapReduce consists of two main phases: the Map phase and the Reduce phase. In this article, we will discuss the basic concepts of MapReduce, its components, and how it works.

The Map Phase

The Map phase is responsible for transforming the input data into a set of keyvalue pairs. These pairs are then processed by the Reduce phase. The Map function takes as input a list of n values and produces a set of intermediate keyvalue pairs. The output from the Map function is typically stored in memory or in temporary storage for further processing by the Reduce function.

Here’s an example of a simple Map function in Python:

def map_function(data):
    result = []
    for value in data:
        result.append((value, 1))
    return result

In this example, the input data is a list of values, and the Map function generates a list of keyvalue pairs where each key is a value from the input list, and the corresponding value is 1.

The Reduce Phase

The Reduce phase takes the output from the Map phase and combines it using a specified reduce function. The Reduce function takes as input a key and a list of values associated with that key, and produces an aggregated result. The output from the Reduce function is typically stored in a permanent storage system for further analysis or visualization.

Here’s an example of a simple Reduce function in Python:

def reduce_function(key, values):
    return sum(values)

In this example, the input key is a value from the Map function’s output, and the input values are a list of all values associated with that key. The Reduce function calculates the sum of these values and returns the result.

Combining Map and Reduce

To perform a complete MapReduce job, you need to define both a Map function and a Reduce function, as well as specify the input data and output location. Here’s an example of how to run a simple MapReduce job using Hadoop Streaming:

hadoop jar /path/to/hadoopstreaming.jar 
  input /path/to/input/data 
  output /path/to/output/data 
  mapper /path/to/ 
  reducer /path/to/

In this example,/path/to/hadoopstreaming.jar is the path to the Hadoop Streaming jar file,/path/to/input/data is the input data location,/path/to/output/data is the output location,/path/to/ is the path to the mapper script (e.g., the one shown above), and/path/to/ is the path to the reducer script (e.g., the one shown above).


MapReduce is a powerful programming model for processing largescale data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. By breaking down complex problems into smaller tasks that can be solved independently, MapReduce allows for efficient data processing across multiple nodes in a cluster. Understanding the basic concepts of MapReduce, such as the Map phase and the Reduce phase, is essential for working with this technology effectively.

MapReduce 阶段 REDIE (Reduce) 阶段 说明
Map 阶段 Shuffle 将Map阶段输出的键值对按照键进行分组,并移动到对应的Reducer。
Sort 对每个键的所有值进行排序,为后续的聚合操作做准备。
Combine 在Map阶段就进行初步的聚合操作,减少网络传输的数据量。
Shuffle Shuffle 将Map阶段输出的键值对按照键进行分组,并移动到对应的Reducer。
Sort 对每个键的所有值进行排序,为后续的聚合操作做准备。
Combine 在Reducer阶段进行最终的聚合操作,生成最终的输出结果。
Map 阶段 Write Output 将Reducer的输出写入到HDFS或其他存储系统中。
REDIE 阶段 REDIE阶段主要包括Shuffle、Sort和Combine三个步骤,而Write Output步骤属于Map阶段的后续操作。



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