



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define WIDTH 10
#define HEIGHT 20
int board[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {0};
int current_x, current_y;
int current_block[4][4];
void draw_board() {
    for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) {
            if (board[y][x]) {
            } else {
void draw_current_block() {
    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
            if (current_block[y][x]) {
                board[current_y + y][current_x + x] = 1;
void remove_current_block() {
    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
            if (current_block[y][x]) {
                board[current_y + y][current_x + x] = 0;
int can_move(int dx, int dy) {
    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
            if (current_block[y][x]) {
                int new_x = current_x + x + dx;
                int new_y = current_y + y + dy;
                if (new_x < 0 || new_x >= WIDTH || new_y < 0 || new_y >= HEIGHT || board[new_y][new_x]) {
                    return 0;
    return 1;
void move_block(int dx, int dy) {
    if (can_move(dx, dy)) {
        current_x += dx;
        current_y += dy;
void rotate_block() {
    // TODO: Implement block rotation logic
int main() {
    current_x = WIDTH / 2  2;
    current_y = 0;
    // TODO: Initialize the current_block with a random shape
    while (1) {
        if (_kbhit()) {
            char key = _getch();
            switch (key) {
                case 'a': move_block(1, 0); break;
                case 'd': move_block(1, 0); break;
                case 's': move_block(0, 1); break;
                case 'w': rotate_block(); break;
        Sleep(100); // Delay to control the speed of the game
    return 0;





上一篇 2024-09-24 18:05
下一篇 2024-09-24 18:06


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  • 如何获取俄罗斯方块C语言的源码?

    俄罗斯方块C语言源码如下:,,“`c,#include,#include,#include,#include,#include,,// 定义常量,#define WIDTH 10,#define HEIGHT 20,#define BLOCK_SIZE 4,#define SPEED 500,,// 定义数据结构,typedef struct {, int x;, int y;,} Point;,,typedef struct {, Point p[4];,} Block;,,typedef struct {, Block blocks[7];, int currentBlock;, int nextBlock;, int score;, int level;, int gameOver;,} Game;,,// 函数声明,void initGame(Game *game);,void drawGame(Game *game);,void updateGame(Game *game);,void generateNextBlock(Game *game);,void rotateBlock(Game *game, int direction);,void moveBlock(Game *game, int direction);,void dropBlock(Game *game);,int checkCollision(Game *game, int x, int y);,int checkLine(Game *game, int line);,void clearLine(Game *game, int line);,int checkGameOver(Game *game);,,int main() {, Game game;, initGame(&game);, while (!game.gameOver) {, drawGame(&game);, updateGame(&game);, Sleep(SPEED (game.level * 10));, }, printf(“游戏结束,得分:%d,”, game.score);, return 0;,},,// 函数实现,void initGame(Game *game) {, game˃currentBlock = 0;, game˃nextBlock = 1;, game˃score = 0;, game˃level = 1;, game˃gameOver = 0;, generateNextBlock(game);,},,void drawGame(Game *game) {, system(“cls”);, for (int i = 0; i˂ HEIGHT; i++) {, for (int j = 0; j˂ WIDTH; j++) {, int isBlock = 0;, for (int k = 0; kblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[k].x == j && game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[k].y == i) {, isBlock = 1;, break;, }, }, if (isBlock) {, printf(“■”);, } else {, printf(“□”);, }, }, printf(“,”);, }, printf(“得分:%d,等级:%d,”, game˃score, game˃level);,},,void updateGame(Game *game) {, if (_kbhit()) {, char ch = _getch();, switch (ch) {, case ‘a’:, moveBlock(game, 1);, break;, case ‘d’:, moveBlock(game, 1);, break;, case ‘w’:, rotateBlock(game, 1);, break;, case ‘s’:, dropBlock(game);, break;, }, }, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].y++;, if (checkCollision(game, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[0].x, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[0].y + 1)) {, for (int i = 0; iblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[i].x += 10;, }, game˃currentBlock = game˃nextBlock;, game˃nextBlock = rand() % 7;, generateNextBlock(game);, if (checkGameOver(game)) {, game˃gameOver = 1;, } else {, int line = checkLine(game, HEIGHT 1);, while (line != 1) {, clearLine(game, line);, line = checkLine(game, HEIGHT 1);, }, }, },},,void generateNextBlock(Game *game) {, game˃blocks[game˃nextBlock] = game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock];, game˃nextBlock = rand() % 7;,},,void rotateBlock(Game *game, int direction) {, Block temp = game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock];, for (int i = 0; iblocks[game˃currentBlock] = temp;, },},,void moveBlock(Game *game, int direction) {, Block temp = game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock];, temp.p[0].x += direction;, for (int i = 1; iblocks[game˃currentBlock] = temp;, } else {, temp.p[0].x = direction;, for (int i = 1; iblocks[game˃currentBlock].y++;, if (checkCollision(game, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[0].x, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[0].y + 1)) {, game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].y;, for (int i = 0; iblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[i].x += 10;, }, game˃currentBlock = game˃nextBlock;, game˃nextBlock = rand() % 7;, generateNextBlock(game);, if (checkGameOver(game)) {, game˃gameOver = 1;, } else {, int line = checkLine(game, HEIGHT 1);, while (line != 1) {, clearLine(game, line);, line = checkLine(Game *game, HEIGHT 1);, }, }, },},,int checkCollision(Game *game, int x, int y) {, for (int i = 0; iblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[i].x == x && game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[i].y == y) {, return 1;, }, }, return 0;,},,int checkLine(Game *game, int line) {, for (int i = 0; i˂ WIDTH; i++) {, int full = 1;, for (int j = 0; jblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[j].y != line || game˃blocks[game˃currentBlock].p[j].x != i) {, full = 0;, break;, }, }, if (full) {, return line;, }, }, return 1;,},,void clearLine(Game *game, int line) {, for (int i = line; i ˃ 0; i) {, for (int j = 0; jblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[j].y = i 1;, }, }, game˃score += line * 100;, if (line == 1) {, game˃level++;, } else if (line == 2) {, game˃level += 2;, } else if (line == 3) {, game˃level += 3;, } else if (line == 4) {, game˃level += 4;, } else if (line ˃= 5) {, game˃level += 5;, }, if (game˃level ˃ 9) {, game˃level = 9;, }, if (SPEED ˃ 100) {, SPEED = 10;, },},,int int checkGameOver(Game *game) {, for (int i = 0; i˂ WIDTH; i++) {, for (int j = 0; jblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[j].yblocks[game˃currentBlock].p[j].y ˃= HEIGHT) {, return 1;, }, }, }, return 0;,}

  • 如何获取和理解俄罗斯方块游戏的原始代码?

    俄罗斯方块的源码通常使用编程语言如Python、C++或Java编写。以下是一个简单的Python示例:,,“python,import pygame,import sys,import random,,pygame.init(),,# 设置屏幕大小和标题,screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)),pygame.display.set_caption(“俄罗斯方块”),,# 定义颜色,WHITE = (255, 255, 255),BLACK = (0, 0, 0),,# 定义方块形状,SHAPES = [, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘..OO.’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘..OO.’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘..OO.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘..OO.’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘…..’]],, [[‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘.O…’,, ‘…O.’],, [‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘.OOO.’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘…..’],, [‘…..’,, ‘…..’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘……’],, [‘…..’,, ‘..O..’,, ‘.OO..’,, ‘…O.’,, ‘…..’]],,],,def draw_block(screen, x, y, block):, for i in range(len(block)):, for j in range(len(block[i])):, if block[i][j] == ‘O’:, pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (x + j * 30, y + i * 30, 29, 29), 1),,def main():, clock = pygame.time.Clock(), current_block = random.choice(SHAPES), current_pos = [400, 0], speed = 1, game_over = False,, while not game_over:, for event in pygame.event.get():, if event.type == pygame.QUIT:, pygame.quit(), sys.exit(),, screen.fill(BLACK), draw_block(screen, current_pos[0], current_pos[1], current_block), pygame.display.flip(), clock.tick(speed), current_pos[1] += 30,, if current_pos[1] ˃= 600:, game_over = True, print(“游戏结束!”), pygame.quit(), sys.exit(),,if __name__ == “__main__”:, main(),“



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