

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);

dest 是目标字符串,src 是要追加的字符串,函数返回目标字符串的指针。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
    char dest[20] = "Hello, ";
    const char *src = "World!";
    char result[25];
    strcat(dest, src); // 将src追加到dest的末尾
    result[0] = ''; // 初始化结果字符串为空字符串
    strcat(result, dest); // 将追加后的dest追加到result的末尾
    printf("Result: %s
", result); // 输出结果字符串
    return 0;

在这个示例中,我们首先定义了一个目标字符串dest,它包含一个初始值"Hello, ",我们定义了一个要追加的字符串src,它包含"World!",接下来,我们使用strcat函数将src追加到dest的末尾,由于strcat函数会修改目标字符串,因此我们需要确保目标字符串有足够的空间来容纳追加后的字符串,在这里,我们将结果存储在一个新的字符串result中,并使用strcat函数将追加后的dest追加到result的末尾,我们打印出结果字符串。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main() {
    char dest[20] = "Hello, ";
    const char *src = "World!";
    int dest_len = strlen(dest);
    int src_len = strlen(src);
    int total_len = dest_len + src_len;
    if (total_len >= sizeof(dest)) {
        printf("Destination string is too small!
        return 1;
    strcat(dest, src); // 将src追加到dest的末尾
    printf("Result: %s
", dest); // 输出结果字符串
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and free
#include <limits.h> // for PATH_MAX
#include <errno.h> // for ERANGE
#include <stdbool.h> // for bool type
bool safe_append(char **dest, int *dest_size, const char *src) {
    int src_len = strlen(src);
    int new_size = *dest_size + src_len + 1; // +1 for null terminator
    *dest = realloc(*dest, new_size); // reallocate memory for the destination string if necessary
    if (*dest == NULL) {
        perror("realloc"); // print error message if reallocation failed
        return false; // return false to indicate an error occurred
    } else {
        *dest_size = new_size; // update the size of the destination string
        return true; // return true to indicate success
int main() {
    char *dest = NULL; // dynamically allocated destination string with initial size of 0 bytes (null pointer)
    int dest_size = 0; // size of the destination string in bytes (initially 0)
    const char *src = "World!"; // source string to be appended to the destination string
    const int max_size = PATH_MAX; // maximum size of the destination string (4096 bytes on most systems) adjust as needed
    bool success; // variable to store the result of the safe_append function call
    snprintf(dest, max_size, "Hello, "); // initialize the destination string with a fixed size buffer and format specifiers for nulltermination and truncation (if necessary) this step is optional but recommended for clarity and safety reasons
    success = safe_append(&dest, &dest_size, src); // call the safe_append function to safely append the source string to the destination string using dynamic memory allocation and error handling this step is required for safety and flexibility reasons (e.g., when the source string is not known at compile time or can change at run time)
    if (success) { // check if the safe_append function call was successful (i.e., no error occurred) this step is optional but recommended for better error handling and readability purposes (e.g., when using a boolean return value instead of errno values)


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